Elemental Moon Yoga School’s 300 hour program has been informed by 3 vast rivers: Ayurveda, Tantra, and Yoga. These rivers of knowledge weave together to lay the foundation for this advanced Yoga Teacher Training. This training will not only give you valuable skills to level up your Yoga teaching, it will also empower you to create action in your community.
Here’s the deal:
You need 12ish modules to complete your hours, and there are 16 topics. There will be 9-12 modules offered each calendar year-ish, with the required topics offered annually. Each topic is 20-30 hours, with separate readings, assignments, and guest teachers. Most topics will have options for virtual or in-person. A few topics will only be virtual and a few will only be offered in person. If you are traveling from out of town - we will help secure you affordable housing - not included in price. See each topic for specific details and breakdowns (coming soon-ish, for reals).
Vinyasa Krama - Sun, Moon and Fire Technologies* (30 hours)
Powerful Flow Immersion (20 hours)
Meditation Techniques (25 hours)
Maps and Systems* (25 hours)
Business Strategies for Yoga Teachers* (25 hours) virtual only
Assisting + Ethics - August 2024 (25 hours) in-person only
Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers (30 hours)
Restorative Practices + Nervous System (25 hours)
1:1 Mentorship* (15 hours)
History and Texts* (25 hours)
Social Justice and Inclusion* (25 hours) virtual only
Upper Body Anatomy (25 hours) in-person only
Lower Body Anatomy (25 hours) in-person only
Prana (25 hours)
Specialty Topics + Orchestrating 1:1 sessions (25 hours)
Yoga Nidra (25 hours)
* Required sessions = 150 hours (6 total)
Are you all IN?
Pay for 12 sessions up front, or on a prearranged payment plan for a discounted price. $500 deposit required to hold your space.
Pricing Structure:
This is for students who want to complete their 300-hour YTT with EMYS. It includes the 12 modules needed to earn 300 RYT (Yoga Alliance application in process)
Supporter $4444 ($370 per module) - pays for you + supports community
Sustainer $4004 ($333 per module) - pays for you
Community $3003 ($250 per module) - discounted pricing
Options for ALL IN payments:
Pay in full before your first module.
Pay in ½ - half before your first module, half in 6 months (regardless of progress in program).
Monthly payment plan (6, 12 or 24) - may require setting up through external service +3% processing fee.
Individual Modules
Supporter $444 ($5328 for all 12)
Sustainer $404 ($4848 for all 12)
Community $303 ($3636 for all 12)
Options for Individual Modules:
Pay in full (before 1st meeting)
Pay in ½ (due dates negotiable)
($100 deposit required to hold space)
Scholarships available with BIPOC and/or 2sLGBTQIA requests to the front.
Scroll to the bottom for help with determining your rate.
Feel free to email me directly with questions.
5% of revenue is donated to organizations in India. Last year, we donated over $1100 in direct aid to low-income families through GiveIndia.com.
Some words from Grace:
It is my heart’s most sincere desire to make this training as accessible as possible. AND I also honor my guest teachers, and the energy (time, money, emotional) put into their area of expertise, combined with what it takes to present at the level of a teacher training. A Tiered Pricing Model operates from a place of trust, community, equity, and honesty. I trust you to choose the best price that is appropriate for you.
The current standard price for a 200-hour Yoga teacher training is about $3500 which automatically creates boundaries, and exclusion, for some. A Tiered Pricing Model creates opportunity for those who may not otherwise be able to join, while retaining the value of the training and teachers; thus challenging the industry’s standard and capitalistic norms. This model invites us to take inventory of our personal resources, and examine our personal intersectionality and levels of privilege.
You can pay in one installment or on a payment plan (no fees), we can talk about a plan that feels spacious for you. Please take some time taking these factors into consideration and determine a payment that works for you.
This determination was informed, and inspired, by the works of Alexis J. Cunningfolk of Worts and Cunning, Jasmine Hines of Amplify and Activate, and Michelle C. Johnson of Skill in Action. This scale is made possible by the kindness of friends at Noda Yoga and Jillian Longsworth.
Please know, that the following are suggestions for helping one choose the best investment for your unique financial situation. If you are unsure of where you fit, or need someone to talk it out with, I’m here to listen, and to come to a solution that feels really good.
Please, don’t hesitate to email me and set up a phone call.
In love and gratitude,
Grace Millsap
Sign up for the interest list below ;)
Tiered Pricing
(see below for help in determining best fit)
Deposit: $500
Please know, that the following are suggestions for helping one choose the best investment for your unique financial situation. If you are unsure of where you fit, or need someone to talk it out with, I’m here to listen, and to come to a solution that feels really good.
Please, don’t hesitate to email me and set up a phone call.
Tiered Pricing Considerations
Community Rate
I frequently stress about meeting basic needs, and may go without.
I rent lower-end properties, or my housing situation is unstable.
I am unemployed, or under-employed.
I qualify for government assistance (health, food, etc).
I have no savings, and live paycheck-to-paycheck.
I have little to no disposable income.
I rarely buy new items, because I am unable to afford them.
I can’t afford a vacation, nor can I reasonably take time off.
**Basic needs = food, housing+, transportation, etc.
Disposable income = coffee shops, new clothes, books, delivery services, etc.
Sustainer Rate
I may stress about my basic needs, but they are always met.
I may have stable housing, or may struggle to meet standard rent.
I am employed, and may have several jobs to make it work.
I have access to Health-care, but may not prioritize it.
I may have savings, and may also live paycheck-to-paycheck.
I have some disposable income.
I am able to buy some new items, but am budget-conscious.
I can take a vacation without major stress, yearly-ish.
Supporter Rate
I can comfortably meet all my basic needs.
I own my home OR rent a higher end apartment.
I am employed, or don’t need to work to meet my needs.
Health-care is easy to obtain.
I have access to financial savings; personal or familial.
I have disposable income.
I rarely pause before buying a new item.
I can afford an annual vacation, and I easily can take time off.